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Monday 27 February 2023

Movements on the Scales of Balance - (4687)

Exact balance is stagnation. In reality exact balance amongst all factors does not exist in life.

What really exists is a slight imbalance. A little inclined to the left or right. That way a flow can occur.

The slight swaying of the scales of balance allows for the flow of and exchange of energies and actions in life. 

Everything in nature and life flows. Tipping to the left allows energy to flow to the right to balance. The slight swaying is always flowing - seeking balance.

The constant balance seeking is what keeps life moving and flowing.

Every time we visit friends we create an imbalance, which is left to be balanced in the future, and so on and on it flows. 

It is also impossible to produce exact mathematical balance, it is always good practice to give more than we receive.

If the scales stay unbalanced on either side then things will soon collapse. If the scales swing too much like how a pendulum does, then there is neither balance and things will also collapse sooner or later.

The diagram below is a good description of the way the divine value of justice works.

Very interesting to note that both are working, doing something not one doing nothing and waiting to receive.

End (4687).

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