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Sunday 19 February 2023

Points to Meditate on: 'Life and Death' Post 4 of 10: Our Place in the Vast Universe - (4670)

We live in an almost infinite creation - which we call the universe. How vast is it? Where did it start and how far has it expanded and far will it expand to?

So many questions...the mind really takes off wondering...and the awe of the essence later quietens it.

The most relevant question to all of this is about knowing our place in the 'universe', or at least to honestly reflect upon it... 

Below are maps made by human beings of the so called 'universe'...

The earth is not even a pixel on the first diagram, as one pixel is a galaxy. Imagine then what we are compared to the 'universe' - to the whole great reality of life.

The whole relative scale of  life. We are insignificant, yet we have life, yet there exist more insignificant creatures on the Earth such as mosquitos. Yet we are significant in our house or neighbourhood.

What about if we were to go through life remembering the vastness of the universe and our relative insignificance, and bring that into our daily interactions with own selves and others? If we did it do it and we did it correctly, we would solve the paradox of relative significance - i.e. significant yet insignificant.

We would not feel so important and so many things would not be important yet to our inner universe we would know how important we are and how important it is to make our life an masterful work of art. 

In conclusion such a meditation on the vastness of the universe would make us to concentrate on the how we can positively contribute to our inner universe instead and work to dissolve the outer importance.

End (4670).

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