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Friday 24 February 2023

Points to Meditate on: 'Life and Death' Post 8 of 10: Not Alone - (4674)

This is something quite profound to meditate on actually. We can not be alone, and therefore our planet is a cosmic planet. It is indeed part of the cosmos and the Great Universal Life. 

I think that there is no way that we can be alone. It is absurd to think that, and even more absurd to think that our way of life is the highest way or form of life.

Our life is one of really being a cosmic citizen. An authentic part of life is to think cosmically which we don't - we think terrestrially. We think the earth is not alive and does not have consciousness and so we don't respect its life. We do what we think is convenient for us to do, which is usually to use the Earth to satisfy our desires. But the Earth does have its life and consciousness and we are in fact one of its most important organs. To think cosmically means to understand that what we do affects the whole cosmos. When we ask for help for humanity on Earth, we should also ask for help for humanities on other planets, as they suffer just as we do. 

Here is an infographic that "explains" why humanity has not found life beyond our planet. 

From the Gnostic doctrine point of view the above reasons are not valid. We certainly are not alone! Gnosis teaches that we are not alone! Further more Gnosis teaches that certain Earthly human powers do really know about the existence of very intelligent life forms that do not belong to this planet. However these powers have deliberately hid that knowledge from humanity.

Its a strange contradiction, officially there are no other living beings in our solar system or galaxy or beyond. Yet there have been hundreds upon hundreds of sightings all over the world as the map above shows. All of the sightings have mostly been in the country that has officially denied it the most... 

This happens so much in life that things really exists but the human mind being so bottled can only accept something as real if it fits into the patterns of science that it itself established, just like you can see in the first infographic.

End (4674).

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