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Friday 24 February 2023

Points to Meditate on: 'Life and Death' Posts 10 of 10: History and Life Span - (4676)

How the trees, rivers and mountains have witnessed history... They have witnessed parts of the history of the Earth and its races. We too in our life span have witnessed great events and changes... We too are living in times that have and will make history... We are like that tree but scaled down. Trees are great beings aren't they just. 

What mark have we left on the planet Earth in history? None we say...It does not matter or it is irrelevant if we have or have not in our past lives left great marks, what matters is what we do now! 

As Gnostics are called to leave tracks of the initiatic path. Leave as one Master has said, firm and clear tracks so that in the future when those tracks are found and looked upon, people say here stood and walked a man decisive and firm, marching forward on the secret path. This is so that future people are left with clear indications and understanding of what the path is and how to walk it! 

End (4676).

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