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Thursday 2 February 2023

What is Underneath Anger is More Important! - (4644)

What's important about working anger is finding out what is underneath it just like this infographic shows.

The combination of anger with self-compassion can be really very strong just as all the other anger and other ego combinations (e.g. anger-pride, anger-lust, anger-self-love etc.) can be and are.

In the anger and self-compassion combination there is always a sense of failure, a sense of being useless that triggers the angry tirade. With the anger and self-compassion combination, the main goal of anger is to angrily harm oneself, where that be our reputation, the concept that others have of us (our image), our own body, our self-image, our value possessions, what we love etc.

In order to work effectively on this anger and self-compassion combination we need to go straight to work on the sense of failure and useless and heal that so to speak with comprehension. 

In this particular case the central value is real compassion which means to didactically work at being different to what we think we are - useless, a failure etc. and to understand really what that sense is, where it comes from and to take the sting out of it and turn it from a venomous snake into a rope.

Basically what that anger in the anger and self-compassion combination wants is to receive the compassion of others. It uses anger to harm our image in many different ways so as to receive compassion and understanding from others. Anger can even use gluttony or lust to make us eat and eat until we are overweight and or overly delve into the abuse of sexuality - which leads to damaging our reputation, image and respect in front of others and ourselves. 

Basically it is all about not treating ourselves with real compassion which is to really do something ourselves to improve our own situation. It wants compassion and help from others and gets very angry that others point out our failures or short comings and don't give us understanding as to why we are like that and don't offer help but only criticism.

End (4644).

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