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Wednesday 1 February 2023

What Centre of Gravity in the Personality Looks Like - (4602)

Some Notes

This post is just some notes about what it looks like to have our centre of gravity in the personality. 


People come to the teachings with their centre of gravity in their personality.

People don't really know where their centre of gravity is, even when they understand and know that they have a personality.

It is really a different study to know and understand where our centre of gravity is.

People don't discover by themselves that their centre of gravity is in their personality. Because it is so apparently natural and correct that our personality be our centre of gravity that we don't dare think that it could be somewhere else. Why should it be anywhere else is the common thought.

What does it really look like to have our centre of gravity in our personality? If we know what it looks like we can discover for ourselves where our centre of gravity is.

We often are deceived thinking that our centre of gravity is in the work yet it is well in the personality.  

There is a belief in the personality that says in it is all that is needed in life. This is generally true that with the personality a person can do very well in all the matters of human life. Because of this belief the personality does not like to be shown another way and does not accept another way so easily.

Only really can some sort of pain and suffering crack our personality for us to be able to see that there are other ways of approaching life. 

When we have our centre of gravity in the personality we spend the whole day and night  identified with the matters and issues of life and we quietly feel this is right because it is so important to have these matters solved, sorted, fixed, organised. If we are told that these matters of life are trivial nonsense we feel deeply offended and react angrily.

If our centre of gravity is in the work, we would not spend all day and night in the matters of life. If we did because we had too, in our background would know that they are not so important. We would feel that the work and the essence is more important and if we were told that our life issues are trivial nonsense we would not protest, we would understand and agree.

When our personality is our centre of gravity, the matters of our personality are first priority. Whereas when the work is our first priority, we take care of inner life first, have worked on yourself before going out to life. Have our psychological work activities done before the day ends. 

The belief in the personality that life is the most important thing is very powerful. This must be cracked to shift our centre of gravity. Most of the things of life are to do with money, yet money will not save us from cancer.

Why do we consider the personality to be the most important? Skepticism. Yet we believe fully in the personality which is something false. This shows us the difficulty and absurdity of our condition.

Skepticism is present because effort applied to matter, senses and the personality produces immediate results. 

The personality has its centre of gravity in the sensorial mind. In the sensorial mind there is the satisfaction of doing. It is extremely satisfying to the senses and the mind to produce quick and tangible results.

Why should a person spend so much time in the activities of an inner work when immediate results are not forthcoming? or experience of ourselves. Experience of ourselves is not real but false through the senses.

Life encourages us to work 18 hours a day. When we have our centre of gravity in our personality we accept such a proposal and totally reject spending 18 hours a day working on ourselves. Work at it constantly, people respect that and know that is what is needed to make it. Say that in Gnosis and people get upset.

When we have our centre of gravity in our personality we are closed to influences especially spiritual influences: "It is my life and I answer to no-one, no-one interferes" and that way we remain the same which is really what the personality wants. Because this keeps up the belief that the personality is true yet it is false - which we come to understand in Gnosis.

Personality generally makes us 'good people' and that further keeps us using it as our centre of gravity. This of making us 'good people' is made up of fixed ideas which we don't directly know at first until we do the work on ourselves.

End (4602).

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