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Sunday 19 March 2023

High Cholesterol - (4275)

This post is more for individual reference than for a wider audience. Though it addresses an interesting point in the practice of the Gnostic Studies.

If we have some health problems such as high cholesterol, which is common in life, it means something is not quite right in the way we are living.

Just studying Gnosis does not make us exempt from cause and effect. Cause and effect works for everyone who uses it wisely or unwisely.

We may not like to devote time to the health of our body because we need the time to work on ourselves. However, there are many windows during the day in which we do nothing in favour of the work on ourselves. So why not use those windows with no harm done to our work.

Having a healthy body is in favour of the work on ourselves. Our body is the physical temple of the soul and our whole Being with all its parts. 

In many occasions it is our egos that contribute to having an unhealthy body. To have a healthy body (i.e. lower cholesterol and everything else) certainly means psychological work and change for the better. 

In general, it is the detachment from the food we like using the higher goal of health. Having this firm goal helps us to transcend the pleasure of our taste buds and stomachs. Agreed it is not really easy if we have been indulging for several years but it is worth doing to feel better in ourselves. 

End (4275).

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