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Tuesday 14 March 2023

Life is Different to Nature - (4520)

Nature is there as it is flowing according to the Laws it has been created with and is sustained by.

Though life is something else altogether. 

Life we are taught in Gnosis is something we must conquer, be on top of and not be submitted by.

What is meant by life is not nature but rather the system and way of life that human beings have created.

Understand it this way. Imagine nature without human beings. Then see human beings appearing and fast forward the clock to 50 years and then see what has happened. We will see travel ways, transport, houses, activities, food, the emergence of culture, language, beliefs, ideology etc. etc. That is precisely what in Gnosis we call LIFE. 

That is where identity, personality and it's values comes from. Not from nature but from the systems other human beings create and in Gnosis we call 'life'.

It is precisely this 'life' that we must work to become more and more free from and not submitted by.

End (4520). 

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