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Sunday 19 March 2023

Malleable Gold and Rigid Iron (4691)

It is said that gold is malleable. Meaning it can be shaped and it can flex and bend when pressure is applied. Which for some applications is ideal. However iron is not very malleable and is rigid and does not easily bend or flex under pressure and so some application this is exactly what is needed.

We are like that too. For some occasions in life and the work we need to be like gold and like iron. What we can't be is gold all the time and iron all the time.

We need to know when we need to be gold and when to be iron.

What's interesting is there is a Golden age of worship, peace and harmony, and the iron age - of machinery, industry and military. Obviously the presence of these metals makes these qualities and activities in humanity possible.

The above gives us a clue. When it comes to matters of the spirit and the esoteric work where others are involved and a higher cause is at work all around us then to be gold is best. When lower values are on the offense then being like iron to defend our gold is best. When adoring the sprit - to be gold when working for the spirit to be like iron. 

Iron and gold don't alloy. Iron should work for gold. 

Often a iron mind is irritated by a golden one, yet a golden one is not irritated so much by an iron mind. Iron minds cause many difficulties amongst people.

Just to be malleable in our ideas, plans and outlook means death to some egos and to some egoical points of view. 

Often to be like iron is to be egoic and have ill-will. It is often against co-operation. Gold is co-operation and good-will.

The US has the most gold. Surprised really I thought the other countries had more. Maybe they do but they have sold it elsewhere. The amount of gold in a country is like that country's natural amount of dharma. 

End (4691).

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