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Wednesday 29 March 2023

Ties Between Souls - (5268)

This is a very old post that was left unfinished in draft. I'm decluttering and so I thought it is best to post it.

There really does exist ties or links between souls. We all know this at some level within our consciousness. We basically feel this...

We also know that there are different types of ties or links. Really if we survey the Gnostic doctrine we find many different types of links.

The links that really interest us in Gnosis are the links of an esoteric nature. That is the links that were made through esoteric work and these links carry esoteric values, that is values of the soul. These are strong and endure the test of time. 

There are also links that are made in life and through the events of life. 

The general way of working of all these links is that 'like' links to 'like'. Soul to soul, heart to heart, ego to ego, personality to personality. 

The links of soul to soul are not that of the mutual attraction generated by the senses in the physical world. They are deeper than that. They have their origin in the higher planes, where there are the Monads relating.

These soul to soul links can draw two souls together and bring them into a sharing a destiny.

There are also karmic ties. Where karma ties two essences together for the purposes of completing karmic transactions to do with previous karmic debts. These are more like ties rather than links. Where through the tie, one is more receiving and that other giving the karmic value.

Gnosis also says that three types of marriages exist: karmic, dharmic and conscious/cosmic.

The practical thing for us about this post, is to know that we have links, respect them and work within them to convert them to conscious and high value links. 

End (5268).

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