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Sunday 16 April 2023

Goal of Marriage in Gnosis - (4736)

Gnosis is a revolution in the way of thinking!

The normal thought is to seek a happy marriage. Of course there is nothing wrong with that at all. However, there as with everything, exists a revolutionary thought about that. As Gnosis revolutionizes our thinking about nearly everything, what Gnosis says about that is worth taking a look at.

In Gnosis, a 'happy marriage' is not the goal of marriage. It is something that is of course very welcome and to be enjoyed but that is not the goal. The opposite - an 'unhappy marriage' is not the goal either. The real goal transcends both.

The transcendental goal is to self-realise and to help each other to dissolve the "I's" that each other has.

In more detail, the goal is to be able to seriously apply the Gnostic work to achieve the goal of psychological death and progress on the path with the practice of Alchemy.

In Gnosis, the experience of the above is sometimes bitter moments and sometimes happy moments. One thing though, that is constant in this experience, is that if we seriously work there is the true contentment of the soul. Which is something that people do not necessarily find in life with a 'happy marriage' or a 'bad marriage'.

Without this correct or right view we are in Gnosis looking for a happy marriage. Meanwhile the Inner Being, the Alchemy, and the call to the path exert a pressure of change on ourselves and so the fights, bitterness, difficulties, gymnasium and come our experience is that the 'happy marriage' we are looking becomes a far away speck on the horizon.

Under this pressure we look to find our 'happy marriage' we resort to the 'rules'  of balance and all sort of arrangements and we are still unhappy. Because we didn't produce the death that we needed both to produce. Mostly due to having the wrong view. 

Having the right or wrong view makes all the difference in many endevours both in life and in the work for the spirit.

With the right view we fulfill the inquietudes and restlessness of the soul and answer out Inner Being's call to the do Its path. Above all, we don't see happy or bitter we set ourselves outside of that duality and we see deeply soul fulfilling work, which is the foundation for many values of the soul such as gratitude, love etc.

If we want 'to be' in an exclusively 'happy marriage' and only see a 'happy marriage' we should leave Gnosis or withdraw significantly from our commitment to the work. Because that is not exclusively the goal of Gnosis or the Work.

The goal of the work or Gnosis is to bring to us the work, and the work is something that obeys the necessities of our Inner Being and that is not really about making a 'happy' or 'unhappy' marriage. 

Happy and unhappy are temporary fleeting states that we experience while doing the work on ourselves. What we are interested in are the profound states of joy and contentment of dying in ourselves, awakening and fulfilling the urgencies of the soul.

Even the view of 'love' that we commonly hold is incompatible with the work. A view of love that is more useful to us in the work is one that says: that love comes from both doing the work as well as can be done. 

To the below we must add "THE WORK".

End (4736).


  1. Hello, if one spouse was to awaken the fire of the kundalini and not the other, then they were unable to practice the Alchemy for say health reasons, would the fire stay awakened in the first person? Or does the fire need the constant food of the alchemical practice rather than single person transmutation? Thank you

    1. It would stay awakeneded most certainly. Even the progress of that person would continue without the Alchemy. Slower but it would continue becasue the work of death is what causes the fire to ascend once it is awakened.

    2. Thank you, much appreciated!
