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Thursday 6 April 2023

Symbiosis - Key for Awakening Notes - (4710)

There is a really beautiful and effective key for the awakening of consciousness. 

Here is the teaching below:

"The symbiosis between the soul and the spirit, interacting together, is the ideal model for the radical awakening of the consciousness." Rafael Arape.


"La simbiosis entre el alma y el espĂ­ritu, interactuando juntos, es el modelo ideal para el despertar radical de la conciencia." Rafael Arape.

This teaching invites us into a new relationship with our Inner Being. Especially with the human and spiritual souls.

When reflecting we find that the human soul as will and the spiritual soul as consciousness is all that we need to work on ourselves, do the path and relate well with our whole Inner Being and its parts. 

We simply need consciousness to to know and comprehend and will to do.

This teaching reminds us that we are part of a family, a divine inner family.

We actually divide our attention when we work with the teaching of symbiosis. As soon as we divide our attention we wake up. The very moment we divide our attention we wake up - our consciousness becomes active.

It is to divide our attention of knowing between what we are doing here in life, ourselves and that knowing that we are a part of a family with them. To feel that belonging and interaction. Knowing that what we do affects them.

The moment we remember that inner relationship we are dividing our attention.  

To live together with our Inner Being is the essence of this teaching. The constant remembrance and application of the consideration involved is what wakes up our consciousness. 

When we apply this teaching we feel that the ego has no place in between us and the two souls we are trying to interact with.

We try a bit harder to displace the ego when we know that we are in the company of the parts of our Inner Being and that naturally they will have to distance themselves if we persist with the ego.  

This symbiosis works to connect the human and spiritual soul to us. They live in a different world to us. We mostly live in the abyss and so they have distanced themselves from us and so they are not so connected to us and the work that we have to do. When they connect to our work their help is powerful.

The experience of this teaching is one of peace, comfort, serenity through the difficult things we have to face seem possible to comfortably face and overcome.

When we are sad this teaching advises us to deal with those emotions together with our spiritual and human souls. To surrender that difficult emotion to them and to know that they are with us and are going to work on it as well.

We have our own inner Olympus with all the parts of our Being. The Olympian Gods of Greek mythology are archetypes which are like a guide for us to understand and get to know the different parts of our own Inner Being. 

End (4710).

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