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Thursday 11 May 2023

Bathing in Light - (4756)

A really wonderful things is light!

To look up at the sun and yearn for the light of the sun to enter us and fill our cells with light is wonderful. It is so nourishing and necessary.

I feel that we carry so many dimly lit cells in our brain. Especially in our third eye where the cells feel even more dimly lit - almost like 'lights out' dark.

All the anger has destroyed the imagination - the power to visualise and receive images.

To consciously allow light to enter and will the light to penetrate and saturate our cells so to activate them is what we need.

The light from the sun outside of ourselves and the light from inside of ourselves is what we need to direct so to open our imagination.

The light from inside comes from our sexual energy and from our Inner Being. 

Directing the sexual energy with transmutation and praying to our Inner Being to open our imagination  is a way. 

With lots of light inside of ourselves we are more lucid and more transparent to our own selves and of course then to others as well.

End (4756).

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