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Wednesday 3 May 2023

Connect Attention to Mystical Death - (4743)

There are many practices to do with attention. After doing some of these practices one comes to the conclusion that for the path the best practice is to connect our attention to mystical death.

After dividing our attention amongst: subject, object and location we see that we are not really any better off - the "I's" that we have are still well and alive. 

The experience that one could have doing these practices is that our attention is not as sharply perceptive to what we need to work on in ourselves. We certainly develop will power to hold and direct our attention - no doubt about that. But something as a Gnostic is missing.

If we then divide our attention with a part dedicated to always noticing what we have to die in and the other part or parts on what we are doing or where we are, and at times on our Inner Being participating in a certain interaction and sharing of our life and the work that we need to do.

In conclusion, where our attention is, is where we are going to notice things and produce insight about those same things. In focusing on noticing the "I's" we have, we are going to better understand them, and therefore accelerate our dissolution of them. 

End (4743).

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