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Monday 22 May 2023

Distractions to Concentration Come from a Dantean Circle - (4776)

When we find concentration there is relaxation. There is also purpose... 

Concentration is simple. It is a state of simplicity.

To find concentration may be difficult. We may need to concentrate on something very human and simple at first, and then when concentration arrives, go to concentrate on the esoteric inner side within ourselves.

The process of finding concentration entails overcoming distractions. If and only if we are victorious in overcoming distractions will we find concentration. That is important!

We just can't expect concentration to arrive meanwhile we accept distractions.

Distractions come from one or another Dantean circle.

Egos of lust and greed from the third circle for example can be the distraction and obstacle for the day.

No matter where the distractions come from, we need to be able to quickly let them go and continue concentrating.

It is curious that the distractions come from down below. After all it makes senses,  because our happiness, our hope, our trust, our conscious faith are not the things that stop us from meditating. It is their polar opposites that do that.

End (4776).

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