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Saturday 13 May 2023

Gnosis Info Session: Make Our Light Shine - (4761)


This post is an idea of how Gnosis can be presented in the Information Session format. That the focus of this particular information session will be: "Making Our Light Shine". 


A good general focus of any introduction to Gnosis talk can be formed using the law of three. 

General Approach


Each human being carries light within. Each human being is an essence derived from a soul and the soul is the unfolding of a Divine Monad. The Divine Monad of every human being is made up of spirit, light which is consciousness, will, energy, innumerable divine powers and qualities and is an authentic part of the Great Universal Spirtit of Life.


Obviously something is missing in our planet. If every person expressed their light how could things be  way that they are? Here then we explain the problem, that is present all that Gnosis teaches about what blocks our light from being expressed. The conditioned essence, the sleeping consciousness, the mind, the personality etc. 


Here the solution to the problem is explained. Which is how the various blocks to expressing the light are dissolved. 

In More Detail


The essence which is our real identity contains the consciousness. In the consciousness there is light which is awareness and cognition, and cognition is knowledge, which is Gnosis.

Gnosis is knowledge. It is self-knowledge to be exact. Self-knowledge is inner knowledge. Which is the knowledge of ourselves as essence, as consciousness, as spirit and beyond - within the infinite reaches of the absolute, which is what was before there was creation and what will always be (no matter what happens).

Gnosis is the light that shines on us showing us that we are an essence and that we are connected to a Spirit, and that both the essence and spirit are beyond suffering and know the mysteries of creation - which Gnosis teaches are the Laws and principles by which the Universe works. 

Gnosis teaches that the consciousness is creative intelligence and within it can be found the solutions to life's problems and what is unknown can be transformed into knowing.  

To know is direct apprehension of reality. It is not to believe nor is to be informed. It is the result of experience. To know does not hurt, knowledge does not harm or injure anyone. It is only ever how that knowledg is used. All knowledge in the right hands can be used to benefit others as well as the one that 'knows'.

The consciousness knows about cause and effect. It sees the effects tied to all actions. It knows what deeds, words, thoughts and feelings will bring suffering to us.

The essence possesses the qualities to respond to all the events of life. It has wisdom, love, strength,  hope, patience, knowledge, alertness, true sexuality, creativity, faith and the list goes on.  


What blocks our light is the essence that is conditioned to process itself in a conditioned way, that is not in accordance with its natural nature which is light. 

It is the conditioned or bottled essence that has fallen asleep in its conditioning to its true nature that suffers, cries and does all the things that we know in the world which cause so much suffering and problems. 


The solution is to affirm the light in us and to dissolve what conditions our essence and to make passive what clouds our light from shining which is the mind and the personality.



It is very important to know the following:

1.) We already have light.

2.) What blocks our light. Such as: busy mind, active personality, egos, karma, impressions, wrong use of the centres and the un-wise use of our energies.

3.) How to get our light back.

Pain and Suffering

It is also very important to know why we have pain and suffering. This is so that we can free ourselves from it and not create more.

1.) We have pain and suffering. 

2.) We have pain and suffering because we are ignorant of the cosmic laws of: 

        Cause and effect 

        Recurrence and return




3.) We have pain and suffering because we are ignorant of:



        Essence (our true nature) - our psychology, psyche= soul, essence, consciousness 

4.) We also have pain and suffering because we are ignorant of:

        Transformation of impressions

        Energy and how we use, store and transform it

        The human machine and its 5 centres: intellect, emotion, motor, instinctive and sexual.


GNOSIS is the opposite of IGNORANCE. Gnosis is the knowledge that saves us from ignorance.

End (4761).

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