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Friday 5 May 2023

In Gnosis, Injustice is Transformed into Inner Values Which Makes Justice - (4750)

When something unjust happens to us - it is often so difficult for us human beings to let it go, transcend it or transform it.

Often we can't just go along with something that is unjust...

Further to that, if injustice towards us continues and accumulates for too long, we turn to violence to bring justice, as we have seen so many times in history. 

Many times bringing justice has created more injustice than the original injustice...

However, if one has the esoteric work there is a way out of this suffering.

All acts of injustice towards us can be transformed by converting that injustice through the work on oursleves into new inner qualities.

With that conversion justice inside of us is produced. We no longer lose out from the injustice we also win, but inwardly - and that is what counts most of all.

Persoanlly I would rather win lots of inner peace, values of love, trust, gratitude then thousands of dollars...I can' take dollar bills with me when I die, and dollar bills are not going to help me in the future when I am scared, lacking confidence, bitter and resentful and they won't cure me of cancer either... 

Normally when something unjust happens we fight back - trying to get balance.

With the inward guiding force of the Gnostic work we are directed within. As soon as we go inside and look to understand what in us is reacting, we are transforming the injustice. That very instant.

That injustice has straight away benefitted us internally. It has made us to remember the work, to remember our consciousness and to remember our Inner Being. 

As we search inwardly we will find that perhaps it is our selfishness, our self-importnace, our self-love that is so upset and that with love for the other, trust in the Being, seeing both sides of the event, that we can transform the injustice. Leaving us with more love, more trust, a stronger inner work and a stronger relationship with our own consciousness and Inner Being.

We don't know sometimes how marvellous the Gnostic work is. Becasue of it, what could send us into rage and violent error, now makes us to grow more in Love and Trust which then expands out and benefits all we come into contact with!

End (4750).

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