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Wednesday 17 May 2023

Interesting How the Use of Drugs Tells Us Things About Our Way of Life - (4769)

One interesting view to take on drug use in society, is that shows what's missing in human beings.

If we look at life in western societies, take Australia for example, we have the use of caffeine (very popular these days) to get us up and working in the morning (often early) and to keep us working in the afternoon when the drowsiness sets in. 

We have alcohol after work and on the weekends to relax and unwind from the long work week. It makes it easy to relate to people outside of the work setting, and generally forget about life's problems including those at work. 

We have the many other drugs (illicit) to feel what we fail at being able to make ourselves feel (such as happiness). In the past when we real felt joy, bliss, love etc. it was almost now that it didn't happen, to get hat same feeling back again seems just not possible. The many illicit drugs also help us to forget about our problems, difficulties, pain and suffering...

So, caffeine helps to keep us as a kind of 'drone' where we work long hours to serve the demands of common life which is in a large degree managed by the collective egoic structure of society, with one major force being greed, fear and materialism. On top of that we have the wants and 'false' needs of our own personality and egos.

Alcohol keeps us in a blur - not being able to clearly reflect and realise what we are really doing in life and why...  

Perhaps after a few years of managing to just survive and hold it all together, the other drugs slowly dismantle our life, until there is no room for anything else but to serve them.

All these drugs lead to each and form a cycle of dependency. Because of of coffee we need and long work hours we need alcohol to relax, and because of alcohol we need coffee to wake up and cure a hangover,  and when that is not enough there are the other drugs...

In short each drug, in their own sphere of use, is used to maintain the sleep of our consciousness...

Each drug compensates for a lack of something missing from our interior. Often what is lacking is a definite soulful purpose and the values of our own essence, that in action, bring happiness and joy, and also are the source of those inner states.

Each drug links to the other and enslaves us in a cycle.

The values of our essence all work together, one value calls forth the other, yet they do not enslave, they enhance the other and liberate the person...

In conclusion, what's missing is direct and deep contact with our essence/consciousness/Inner Being.

End (4769).

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