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Thursday 18 May 2023

So Many Ways to be Under Life - (4771)

There are really so many ways that we can fall under the hypnotism of life and materialism.

Many of those ways are not directly related to possessions and money.

Normally our way of being under life and materialism depends highly on our psychological structure. Our principal psychological profile (P.P.P) determines the way we go into materialism, that is the way we relate to matter. For example if pride is  our p.p.p then materialism will serve our pride, in the way of the more and the best. 

We may renounce possessions and have only what we need and only work to acquire the money we need, and no more. Yet we can certainly be under the hypnotic grip of life and materialism.

Working too much. Very busy with unnecessary movements and changes, over organising things, continued worry about people and things, over-researching things, continual or excessive planning of things, continual fixing of things, continual thinking of outside improvements, constant social engagements in person or online, frequent travel and outings, continual creating of problems with the necessity that they be solved, constant to-do lists etc. etc. 

All of the above things are not so much about money and possession yet they are about matter, as they are all about moving and organising matter. They are good skills yes and need to be transferred into the psychological and spiritual spheres.

In the end, any way that we are under life and materialism, the result is the same, which is to ignore the spirit and be more dedicated to and trusting in matter.

End (4771).

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