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Sunday 28 May 2023

Inner Being, Work and Prayer - (4782)


Here are notes from a talk by m.m.m which was received online.


We and our Inner Being are a unity. We need each other. We can not walk the path without each other. We both do the work in our different worlds and spheres. 

We can not walk the path without the help of our Inner Divinity and the Inner Divinity can not realise itself without us.

Every ego is a fascination with the wrong perception of the realities of life.

Every ego is a fascination with the wrong side of the things in life.

For example lust is when we focus our sexual energy onto the senses, sensations, personality, matter,  relativity and duality. Which is the wrong side, we should focus our sexual energy on enhancing the Inner Being, which we say in Gnosis is the right side.

We need to pray with hope, trust, faith, altruism, instead of with pain and protest.

The 'Our Father' can be esoterically summarised as use the consciousness of the Father and attract His force.

We should pray with altruism and work for the well-being of our Inner Being.

Our Inner Being is sick, as it can only be well once It has It's consciousness back. 

These four powers of hope, love, faith and trust are causal in character and if we pray with them we will cause circumstances to unfold within us.

End (4782).

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