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Sunday 14 May 2023

We Think The Negative Thoughts We Have Against Us Don’t Harm Us - (4765)

We typically think that the negative thoughts about ourselves and towards ourselves don't do anything, and so they are not a problem...

We think the above because we normally don't feel anything from a negative thought. We typically think: “a negative thought and then what? Nothing!”.

But the negative thoughts towards ourselves are REALLY HARMFUL! 

The thinking that negative thoughts towards ourselves are nothing much is WRONG!

It is a matter of a high state of consciousness or egoic sensitivity, to be able to know how harmful they are.

Let's see the point of egoic sensitivity first.

When a large ego is in possession of our human machine any negative thought towards ourselves in any direction, multiplies its grip and effect on us two or three fold... Which reflects frequently in strong physical symptoms such as vomiting, shaking, sweating, digestion, diarrhea, etc. 

When we have been doubting ourselves all week and then at the end of the week we go to our usual psychological gymnasium where fear appears, that fear will be doubly as strong.

Now let's see the point of about a high state of consciousness.

When we have a lot of consciousness and death of the ego, we have a lot of purity in our psyche and we elevate the vibratory level of our whole system quite high. Then anything negative as subtle as a negative thought becomes very noticeable, even catastrophic.  

Basically, we continue allowing the different egos in us to issue negative thoughts, because we don't know how harmful they really are.

The more we entertain negative thoughts now, the harder we will have to work to dissolve the egos that issue them, and heal the harm that they have caused.

Let's stop thinking negatively about ourselves and towards ourselves from now on! Not one more negative thought about ourselves!!!

End (4765).

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