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Sunday 18 June 2023

Dream Talk Notes - (4805)

Here are some notes for a short talk on dreams.


☁Plato said: "man is known by his dreams".

☁We go into the astral with our psyche. So what happens in a dream is our psyche acting freely without the restaints of this dimension and the human norms and laws that riule the society that we physically live in. 

☁Dreams show us our psyche and the deep parts of our psyche which is very valuable information. Dreams offer the opportunity for so much self-knowledge.

☁Dreams are usually astral experiences. When our essence leaves the physical body our dreams are astral experiences.

☁We can stay in our body and still dream. We can be split - half in our physical body and half in dream in the astral world.

Types of Dreams

By Centres

☁There are seven types of dreams. They correspond to the seven centres. 

☁We have dreams that are certainly more about one centre than the others.

☁We have intellectual, emotional, motor, instinctive and sexual dreams.

☁Motor dreams often leave us waking up unrested. Instinctive dreams are often nightmares and sexual dreams can and often result in the loss of sexual energy ('wet dream').

☁Many of the above dreams are mere repetitions of the activities carried out through the day.

☁Actually up to 90% of our internal experiences i.e. dreams are repetitions our day's activities.

☁The dreams of the two superior centres - superior intellectual and superior emotional are very valuable. They are usually messages sent to help us, from our inner Divinity that take the form of very vivid and interesting dreams that are very different to the ordinary. 

☁Our interior divinity and the awakened beings of the conscious circle of solar humanity help us principally through the higher centres, and the dreams that pertain to them.

By Sharing

☁There are dreams to be told to others.

☁There are dreams to be used to teach.

☁There are dreams not to be told to anyone. 

By Purpose

☁There are dreams of verification or confirmation.

☁There are dreams of warning, that is of a premonitory quality.

☁There are dreams of revelation.

Attitude Towards Dreams

Everyone has an attitude towards dreams. I encourage you to know your attitude. Even 'dreams are just dreams' is an attitude.

☁Those that take them for real and act to make them come true.

☁Those that like to talk about them.

☁Those that don't want to share or talk about them.

☁Those that disregard them completely.

The first attitude is the most dangerous and can lead a person into problems. I have seen so many men ask women about relationships because of a dream and get flatly refused. Funny but not so funny.

Interpretations of Dreams

☁The world of dreams is the world of symbols.

☁We have to learn how to interpret symbols.

☁Each symbol has seven interpretations, says Master Samael. A symbol can mean something now and later on mean something different.

☁Sometimes we have to mediate on our dreams to get their deep meaning.

☁A dream symbol dictionary as produced by the Masters is a good start or departing point.

Remember Dreams

☁Dream study starts with remembering our dreams.

☁The practical keys are to wake up and not move a muscle and try to remember while completely still. Use the mantra RAM GAOM to help. It is an effective mantra.

☁Write dreams down in a dream journal. Use quick note form. So you are more likely to do it. Make it easy for ourselves.

☁The key to success with all of this is consistence. We have to build up a good record of dreams and get to really know our dreams very well to be able to start to wake up in them.

☁Another key is deep knowing of our dreams. Which comes from remembering them and writing them down and studying them and recognising patterns and correspondences, opposites and affinities between: our internal states and dreams, our physical life and dreams and our internal states within our  dreams and what happens in the dream and the symbols present in the dream.

End (4805).

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