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Wednesday 21 June 2023

Each Relationship Has a Number - (4821)

Each relationship has at stage or another an overarching governing value or quality which is expressed as a number.

Typical numbers are: 5, 6, 10, 15, 20 etc. 

If the number is 5 then it is karmic quality where there are constant payments and collections. In the lesser of the cases the payments and collections take the form a of trade in difficulties and moments of pain. 

The value or number 10 means recurrence, meaning the past rules over the relationship.

If the number is 15 then one or both trains each other in the work. Usually this takes the form of relative (not absolute) negative impressions requiring transformation. This is often the case because the at any given moment that is issuing the negative impressions does not have the virtues of the soul present to give to the relationship.

So the question is which number governs some of your important relationships?

It is good to know so that if it turns out to be the number: 5, 15, 18, 21 then we can investigate further to work out how we can transform those numbers into 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 17, 19, 22 etc.

The best relationships are 1 and 11 where they are dharmic in quality and the relationship itself multiplies the dharma.

We can basically transform those relationships, by knowing based on the number, which virtue of the soul we need to intensely apply.

End (4821).


  1. Hello, is there a specific method to find out, like the Kabbalistic equations? Thank you!

    1. Hi, the only way to find it is to know the flavour of it. Find it with your consciosuness and then check this flavour (what it feels like) against the Kabbalistic description of each number.

    2. Of course, thank you :)

    3. Also, once you know the value don't expect anything outside of that value. If the value is 5 or 15 expect it to be difficult 95% of the time. That way we keep ourselves real and not suffering from false expectations and 'should be's' from not being fulfilled.

  2. Wise recommendation, thank you
