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Monday 19 June 2023

In the Pain of Self-Love, Love our Inner Being - (4815)

One way to learn to love our Inner Being is by working on the ego of self-love.

The work on the ego of self-love shows us the way to turn to our Inner Being so to love it and to be cured of that ego by expressing love to the our Inner Being.

The remedy to the erupting pain of a hurt self-love is to turn to love our Inner Being. 

Always, always our self-love gets triggered when in relativity we perceive that we are loved less.

There is a line within us of the more and the less. As soon as things cross that line our self-love is either very happy (more) or very upset (less). 

When our relationship enters our inner mind we love outside of relativity. We may be given the least of al time and attention yet our love is not affected and the love between both is not affected. For this the relationship has to have entered the inner mind of both. 

Only when the above happens are there two mature souls in love.

When we are given less attention than others, when we are given less time than others, when we are smiled at less, when we are hugged less, when we are kissed less, when we are included less, when we are asked for our opinion less etc. etc. is when we calculate that there is less love and the "I" of self-love hurts. 

Attention, care, communication, participation are all signs of love. In truth they are and the ego of self-love appropriates these for its calculations of when something in relativity is less or more. 

The "I" of self-love runs after others to get their love to feel love
for love lacking personalities, but that is wrong, the real is for us to love
Our Inner Being all by ourselves and not through others!

The remedy is in this searing pain of self-love that wants to throttle the other person and give them a peace of our mind backed by the full power of justice. Turn to our Inner Being, to remember our Inner Being, knowing that our Inner Being is the one that always loves us and that we can always always love our Inner Being as much as we want to and can.

We are really terrible lovers when it comes to our Inner Being. If we were treated the way we treat our Inner Being we would be so so so hurt, so hurt in fact that we would never recover.

We will never get out of the searing pain of self-love until the day that we consciously decide to turn to our Inner Being and send love inside us towards It, and then take refuge in that warm glow of love flowing to our Inner Being and then feel that we have love with us. Really Feel it!

We will feel the love towards our Inner Being when it is real! We all have the spark of real love towards our Inner Being. Sometimes that spark of real love comes from pain. 

When we do that we see that the most important thing is to give love not receive it! And that the best thing is to love our Inner Being. All the love that we have to love others comes from the love we have for our Inner Being.

We get hurt when others don't love us because we don't have any love. We don't really love the other person. If we did really love them, we would be happy that they are happy!

Our ego lacks so much love and so it looks for it from others. But we lack love because we don't emanate love to our Inner Being and we get hurt when others don't love us because we don't really love them.  

End (4815).

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