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Tuesday 13 June 2023

Mystical Death is an ATTITUDE! - (4803)

For teh person that wants to die in themselves what m.m.m said last night is gold. 

The following is what he said:

He said that mystical death is not a practice it is an attitude, which impregnates a person completely.

He went on to say that this attitude is very visible in a person who has it. 

It is what is needed to really die within ourselves.

We must embrace mystical death emotionally. The intellect is not enough, it is not powerful enough for the work of mystical death.

To embrace mystical death makes the spirit of mystical death to enter inside of us. Imbued with the spirit  of mystical death the attitude to die before every event of life, no matter how painful or apparently wrong or unjust, naturally appears in us.

The attitude of mystical death allows us to resort to mystical death before any event and in any circumstance of our life. It simply allows us to die within ourselves, and that is really the way that we die within ourselves. Any other way just does not cut it - says those who are dead!

The spirit of mystical death says every problem is solved with mystical death.

Our goal is mystical death and that means that we must end up more and more psychologically dead with the passing time. 

End (4803).

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