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Thursday 22 June 2023

Notes on Practical Action - (4790)


For the consciousness we must turn into practical beings.

Practical psychology is the aim.

Practical psychology is not the psychology of convenience or the psychology of "killing two birds with the one stone", or being efficient, it is something different. It is really about the death of the "I" in action and strengthening the affirmative psychology.

This post aims at giving an insight into practical psychology that helps the awakening of consciousness.

Practical Psychology

It is a psychology that is is based on facts and omits the processes and manifestation of the egos in our psychology.

It is a psychology that solves the problems and issues of life from a practical point of view without mental and emotional processes.

Practical action is also affirmative psychology in action. It is also a very excellent way to die in ourselves, in our egoic selves that is.

Here are many examples of the practical psychology in action:


Event: "You almost had an accident, you didn't look both ways, we could have died...".

Practical Action: We didn't have an accident. 

Event: "A vase breaks, water and flowers on the floor, who did that, who was was so careless...".

Practical Action: Bring a sponge, a dust pan and a new vase. Sweep up the broken glass, mop up the water and put the flowers into the new vase. Get back to what we were doing.

Event: The past is brought up repeatedly.

Practical Action: That was the past, let's deal with now and do better now.

Event: There is so much to do, 

Practical Action: Create a plan and just do it.

Event: "No one else is in this situation, this is not normal, this shouldn't be."

Practical Action: It is happening, lets accept and work with doing our best to give the best answer of our consciousness to it.

Event: "You got home late! You are not responsible, you don't care."

Practical Action: Ok let's do the best with the time we have and do what we need to and if we can't let's make a plan to do it later. 

I think you get now how practical psychology is processed within us before the events of daily life and how this stops the ego carrying on making life difficult and making us more asleep through identification.

End (4790).

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