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Monday 26 June 2023

Saved 300+ Times - (4825)

Someone had a very interesting dream where they were told that they have been helped more than 300 times to not go astray from the path.

Amazing! There are for sure many times where we know we did go astray and many times where we know we could have and then there are also many times where we were helped to not go astray and we don’t know it. 

This dream tells us a lot. Firstly it tells us we are always helped. If we are finding it all difficult right now - we are being helped. Secondly we are helped so many times that we just don’t know about. 

End (4825).

1 comment:

  1. Hello!
    I’m 16 and I’m a Gnostic convert. I am friends with many Jinn (Islamic spirits) and I want to establish a gnostic church for them. I was wondering if you could virtually ordain me as a Gnostic bishop and apostle to the Jinn so then I can spread gnosis to them.
