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Tuesday 15 August 2023

Esoteric Identity and Esoteric Life Class Notes - (4844)


These notes were taken down and posted from a class that m.m.m gave this Tuesday night online.


We need an esoteric identity to elaborate an esoteric life.

It can't be any other way. To have an intiamte esoteric life we need to have and foster an esoteric identity.

The identity is what we forget, and when we forget our identity we lose our esoteric life. 

When we fell we forgot our identity. 

Even in life when we forget that we are a parent, a teacher, a doctor, a priest, a lawyer, a mayor etc. we fall and we do things that are not at all becoming of a parent, a teacher, a doctor, a priest etc. 

To have an esoteric life we need esoteric goals and a line of achievements and goals. We need to be achieving something. We need to be in a line of development.

Our identity as a soul is one thing and our identity on the path is something else. 

When we have an esoteric identity we are identified internally by the masters of the internal worlds.

By virtue of our identity "I am". We are what we are. We are what our identity is.

Our internal face is very different to our physical face. Our internal face takes shape based on the quality of our inner psychic life. We could all be very ugly internally meanwhile our psychic life is so ugly.

To have an esoteric life we just need to dedicate ourselves to the path.

To be an esotericist in the five centres is what produces an esoteric inner life.

We live the esoteric teachings inside of ourselves. It is not just experinces it is to live new and more esoteric states of consciousness.

We can say that to live an esoteric life is to live in a series of states of consciousness produced by our esoteric work.

Karma gives us the strength to pass through very difficult circumstances, which are our karma. The difficult circumstances are our karma.

The instinctive memory of the path brings us back to the path and at the same time it fills our subconscious full of fear, and to avoid feeling that fear we throw ourselves deeply into life. 

Our subconscious knows that the path will make us to pay all of our debts. We know deep down that will be painfiul.

Esotericism gives us the chance to consciously reclaim our place.

By only having an esoteric identity we can develop an esoteric inner life.

We can develop our identity as a soul, which is to develop a life dedicated to relating in a dignifying and edifying way for and with our Inner Being.

To acheive an esoteric identity we need the spiritual symbiosis.

The most important point is to never forget our identity.

The key about our identity is to know all about what it implies. That is the most important thing.

The path is for sound and balanced minds and personalities.

As soon as we have the esoteric identity we have the consciousness.

Using or exercising the right identity will help us to raise our level of being and it will also help us to give the correct answer to the events of life as well as to awaken. 

We need to use the powers of: consciousness, trust, love, hope and faith to speak and this will transform our life.

We need to figure out which value we need to use to help us express more our consciousness. It could be faith, it could be love. it could be trust...

We can never use what we don't remember.

We can't give what we don't have.

The best moment to practice self-remembering and the spiritual symbiosis is in the morning and at night.

The key is the flavour. The flavour allows us to distinguish the flavour of 'life' and the flavour of the path. If we can not tell the difference between the two we will end up failing.

When we have or Inner Being at the centre we don't need to chose anymore.

The question of what to be and what not to be is a matter of using reference points to guide us.

If we experience the same recurrence over and over again. We have not raised our level of Being.

If we are locked in a drama, to be able to leave it we need to improve our state of consciousness in receiving and giving. In the way of receiving the event better and giving a better or more correct answer to the event.

When change our state of consciousness we change the correlation of forces within ourselves.

What is it to be awakened? What is it to be the awakened consciousness?

Who are we? We are either one of five things: personality, sleeping consciousness, essence, consciousness or mind. We are either at any given moment one of these five things.

Who is speaking? Is it the mind, the personality, the ego, the consciousness?

We need to chose the right behaviour. Which all comes from the awakened consciousness.

When we explain the teachings so much we end up ruining the teaching and losing the conscious nature of the teaching and the state of consciousness that apprehended it.

The fact that many initiaites fell was because they had not yet left the realm of the mind.

End (4844).

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