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Wednesday 9 August 2023

How to See and Understand Infra and Supra Dimensions - (4840)


This is just an example that may give some help in seeing and understanding the three levels of the world. 

The three levels are inferior, middle or physical and superior. in other words lower, middle and upper.

We live in the middle or physical world which is visible and tangible to us. We also live in constant contact with the invisible worlds which are the inferior and superior dimensions.

We don't see the invisible dimensions but we can and they are there to see and from them emanate the occult influences that govern so much of what happens in this world.

The fight between the upper and the lower always happens and is most intense in the middle. Which in the outside world is planet Earth and humanity, and in the inside world it is us and within us.


Take a $100 bill. If we look at it physically we see only a piece of paper. That in nature without any other human being around it is as good as a fallen leaf from a  tree.

Say we are about to throw the $100 bill into the fire. Then we start to see. Depending, we can see the only the superior or only the inferior or both.

As that $100 bill is getting close to the flames we see a person having worked for that, sitting down straining their eyes and back for a few hours at an office desk or sweating it out for a couple of hours inside a roof laying out cables (gratitude), we see the result of a service being delivered (cause and effect), we see honest hard work, we see good will, we see a happy face in someone receiving it, we see a smile on the person who earnt it, we see the love of the cosmos giving and its laws in motion, we see a mother using it to feed her children etc. etc.   

The above is to see the superior which is always more expansive and global and it is to see the virtues of the soul involved in everything. 

As that $100 bill approaches the flames we see a really good dinner for two at a restaurant (gluttony) about to go up in smoke. We see chocolates and ice cream melting away, we see cigarettes being burnt, we see movie tickets about to go up in smoke, we see a new gadget exploding, we see a bottle of whiskey burning a bright blue flame etc. etc.

The above is to see the inferior which is how any "I" in our psychology sees the $100 bill. The inferior dimension of things contains the vision of the "I's".

The awakened one can see both sides however choses to place him or herself in the superior.

End (4840).

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