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Friday 25 August 2023

Lack of Responsibility Karma in a Gnostic Group - (4851)

What kind of karma do we get if we abandon our responsibilities whether they be human or spiritual?

A little hard to say exactly right? All that I can think of to write in this moment is that if we abandon something we are later abandoned. 

If we abandon the light, then the light one day will abandon us, or either it will be more difficult than it should be to find the light that we so need.

The teachings say that we get karma for the good that we don't do...

We get as much karma for not doing the good, as we do doing harm to others etc.

Master Samael taught this and it was also known it seems before him by Voltaire in France and I would say much before him also, as it is a universal hidden truth.

If we have a spiritual responsibility to help the great cause through maintaining and adding to a point of light in the planet (gnostic centre) and we actually have the ability to do so and we don't, then we are not doing the good that we can do. In other words we will get some some karma against our own spiritual progress. That makes sense right?

We help a Gnostic centre by sharing our work and by contributing to the generation of light and spiritual force by giving our human and spiritual presence, in other words attending, and if we attend our Being also attends.

If we have a spiritual responsibility to our Inner Being to feed the soul, and we are easily able to, but don't, it would make sense that we would receive a kind of spiritual karma. Which can be manifested in the way of the light and the spiritual forces withdrawing from us - leaving us to life which sooner or later becomes empty and confusing...

To not fulfill our responsibilities because of personal egoic reasons, is a lack of the true responsibility. True responsibility is taken no matter what 'displeased ego' within us convinces us not to. 

To assume true responsibility for a cause means that responsibility be must come from inside going outwards and as the true responsibility does, it urges us to support a cause from all angles, not just the angles that I like or are mine or are related to me. 

When responsibility comes from outside to the inside and then outwards, we have a relative responsibility, meaning we only assume responsibility for something when our egos allow us to. When our egos are upset we drop it all. This is not a responsibility that can be relied upon to build something.  

For example, no true mother drops her responsibility to feed her children because the children insult and offend her or displease her egos.etc.

End (4851).

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