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Sunday 27 August 2023

Pride is the Difference - (4858)

We may do something tedious fairly happily all by ourselves and then we may be asked to do the same thing by someone else and we get upset and protest.

In the end it is the same task but why the protesting?

Pride is the answer. 

Something in our psychology thinks that we can't be told what to do, or we are being taken advantage of or we should not be told what to do because we are an adult and we are not anyone's subordinate or mother or father or anyone else etc. etc.

We think pride is right. But really is it? Is it really right when it is the same task and it has to be done and the only difference is being told or asked?

No one is going to take advantage of us - that only happens if we allow it, so what is pride fearing or thinking is wrong?

Is it true that we are beyond being told what to do? Yet we go to work and we are told what to do so many times a day. 

Isn't it true that with pride we do not possess humility? When we are proud we do not know our place. Thinking that we can not be told what to do is not to know our place. Of course we can be told what to do we are not the supreme boss, and even the supreme boss can be told what to do because he or she can't see everything and is never perfect. In fact the best bosses are the ones who are a bit humble...

When we are proud we are also unfair. Thinking we can't be told what to do means others have to do what we could do or should do. That is unfair.

Pride is not correct! IT is can be easily debunked! Once debunked it be separated and defeated.

Isn't true that when we are proud we are wasting our time in relation to freeing and developing our essence? We are strengthening pride and the price for pride is a humiliation that hurts, and we are here in Gnosis to not bring suffering to ourselves anymore.

When we bring suffering to ourselves others suffer also.

End (4858).

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