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Tuesday 15 August 2023

Some Notes on the Involution Process of the Essence - (4841)

Below are some clarifying notes about what happens to the essence that is destined to involute after the death of the physical body. 

We know the teachings of Master Samael regarding involution. Specifically that each essence is given an archetypical number of 108 lives as a human being before that essence is sent into the process of involution. Where that essence will lose the human condition and will take up the condition of animal, then plant then mineral. Where it will evolve through the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms to return to the state of a human being.

When the last physical existence arrives, as dictated by the Divine Law, and the physical body of the essence dies this is some of the things that take place.

The essence at this point is highly fragmented, with a very small percentage of free essence. Usually involution comes because the amount of accumulated karma is too great and the free essence is just too small to be able to attempt the realisation and very little of eternal conscious value can be learnt anymore from life.

After death the egos or fragments of conditioned essence enter the abyss of nature and begin their process of being broken down. 

If there is any essence free it then enters an animal body. Where it experiences the animal state of consciousness, then as involution advances it enters the plant kingdom and later the mineral.

The egos can also enter the bodies of certain animals as well. Animals whose nature matches with the egos that the animal receives. For example laziness, gluttony and lust would enter a pig.

As the abyss breaks down the ego the particles of essence that are free enter into animals or plants or minerals depending on the point the involuting essence is at amidst the different stages of involution. 

End (4841).

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