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Monday 18 September 2023

Art and Mastery - (4876)

Art and mastery are linked.

The following expressions indicate this:

"Mastered the art." 

"A master of the art of..."

"A masterpiece." 

When someone masters something they make it an art.

The mastery of something brings forth the knowledge that converts into an artform.

That is why art is a column of knowledge. It expresses the knowledge of mastery.

The highest art is the one which expresses the knowledge of the mastery of the soul and the spirit.

Art conveys knowledge. It's principle function is to convey the knowledge of mastery so that others can be learn and be inspired to arrive at the same.

Art that conveys the knowledge of mastery is objective as all you look upon it can gleam a lesson.

All art is beautiful and inspiring - the beauty of art is a direct product of mastery.

Imagine how beautiful it is then to master our own lives. How beautiful our life and the one living it (us) would be?

When we master our life we can make it into a work of art that others can be inspired by, marvel at, appreciate and be uplifted and benefitted by. 

There is subjective art which is that way because it does not convey knowledge. It only conveys the quality of the mental and emotional state of the artist - which is relative and will be understood by some but not by others.

David Lynch said: "I don't know why people expect art to make sense. They accept the fact that life doesn't make sense.”. With the mastery of self, life has meaning and makes sense. Of course when life does not make sense how can art that comes from such a state make sense.

End (4876). 

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