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Thursday 28 September 2023

Sensual and Emotional Love - Pendular Characteristics - (4886)

One big characteristic of both sensual and emotional love is their pendular nature. Loved you yesterday, but not today and love you tomorrow again and the cycle repeats and repeats. This cycle leaves everyone worried, confused and asking the questions: Is there really love? Is this what real love is like? Why is it like this?

Question: Why are sensual and emotional love so pendular?

Answer: Two reasons. First reason is that one or more egos are present and those egos are about being pleased. They are dependent. 

In sensual and emotional love there is dependency. For there to be love felt in the sensual and emotional domains there must be felt the right sensations and the right emotions. If not the opposite of love appears: anger, resentment etc.

For the 'right sensations and emotions' to be felt the 'right impressions' must be given.

The right impressions can not always be there and in reality they are not and will never be.

The way out of any pendulum is always the consciousness. 

Basically we have to displace the egos that are always present. 

Bring more our consciousness. Our consciousness is not dependent. 

Give to ourselves from our consciousness that which we think we need until we one day see that we don't need it anymore, because we see that we are it. We will then give freely without needing some kind of return to continue giving. 

End (4886).

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