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Thursday 14 September 2023

Transfer Skills of Life into "Self" - (4880)

We have so many skills in life.

For the particular work on ourselves we need to transform those skills in to 'self'. For example the skill of organising into "self-organising".

I'll further explain. We may be very good at organising our day, that is where we will be and when we will be there and what we will do there. That is great in life, we get things done and it produces results in every area of common life. For the work on ourselves that skill is useful but very limited. It becomes much better than limited when we transform it into 'self-organising'. 

With 'self-organsing' we get to work organising our thoughts, our emotions and our psyche in general. where we have an organized structure within our psyche to respond to the events of life with instead of a mechanical out of touch set of reactions with random mental impulses tossing our thoughts arounds left right and centre.

The life skill of analysing can be become self-analysing. The life skill of fighting everything for justice can become fighting within for our own inner freedom or psychological freedom which comes when we restore justice within.

When any skill of life becomes 'self" it becomes grandiose within us and produces great changes within and outside of ourselves.

Make a list of your skills in life and see how they can become 'self' skills and what that would mean. 

When we make our life skills 'self-skills' we shift our centre of gravity to the work, path and the Being.

End (4880).

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