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Wednesday 13 September 2023

Trust in Stopping and Lifting Up Straight After - (4877)

If we find ourselves hurt and getting angry then just hold off. Trust with all our heart that this is correct!


Remember when we did it before? Trust me that is is correct! For the work on oneself it is best!

Hold off against all our feelings and instincts of injustice and pain that we may feel.

When we are a little time and distance away. Begin to lift up within ourselves. Send acceptance, trust, love inwards to ourselves as essence and to our Inner Being. This balances the inner scales straight away.

It is imperative to drop the negative thinking and feeling!

Then we must work on dissolving the sense of self that was hurt. A sense that we should be loved and respected. 

We should not be loved and respected that is just a belief there is nowhere saying that this should be so. We should be treated as we were treated.

It is the law that others treat us that way because they can not do otherwise.

That sense of self is false. It is a fabricated facet of self that was fabricated with our wrong sentiments about ourselves.

The right sentiment is that we are to love our Inner Being beyond ourselves, that is beyond our person. Then it is no one's job to love us. Then we do not expect love and respect in a mechanical dependent way and therefore we do not get so upset. Instead we give respect and love.

End (4877).

1 comment:

  1. This was very helpful for comprehending myself. Thank you.
