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Thursday 19 October 2023

Four Parts of Wisdom According to Plato - (4913)

According to Plat0:

Wisdom has four parts to it.

1.) Principle of Correctness.

2.) Principle of Justice.

3.) Principle of Fortitude.

4.) Principle of Temperance.


Something done correctly is the wisest thing we can do, as if it is not correct it will falter and fail many times causing us and others much grief. 

To know how to do things correctly requires wisdom. The effort to do things correctly implies effort of reflection and investigation. 

Often the wisdom to do things correctly accumulates from previous learnings from mistakes. 


Give and take the right amount. This keeps balance and keeps all things in their orbits. Things out of their orbit brings clashes and others receiving more unbalances and unbalance is pain in one form or the other.

Always give a little more, as this slight unbalance keeps things moving and flowing. Trust in the justice of eh Gods or Universe when we are thinking of bringing justice into our own hands. 


The best opportunities for wisdom come from the greatest problems and difficulties. 

Further still sticking through something to the end brings more and more wisdom. As more virtues are invoked and tested and the wisdom of the power of the different virtues deepens and widens.


The result of  the learning of the two extremes brings the wisdom of the middle, the balance or in other temperance in all things.


Some other wisdom notes:

'0' in dreams can indicate wisdom. The more "0's" the more wisdom.

Wisdom does not usually bring happiness. Love does. Wisdom brings more responsibility and often bitterness.

Wisdom must be applied with love or compassion or heart otherwise the seductive power of wisdom leads one astray into error or misusing that power. Use wisdom to benefit and help others is the key.

End (4913).

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