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Thursday 12 October 2023

Learning in the Evolution Process - (4899)

The essence learns through all the cycles that it is subjected to.

One great cycle is the cycle of involution and evolution. 

Evolution and Involution or Devolution form a circuit. It takes two opposites to form a circuit. One factor can only form a continuous line. Duality forms all the cycles and circuits.

About evolution and involution there can not be one without the other. They come together. 

The essence learns while devolving and while evolving.

We all carry within our essence the knowledge we have learned from devolving and evolving.

This knowledge is the knowing of life in the four kingdoms of nature. Human, animal, plant and mineral.

We learn about the ways of life in each kingdom. We learn about mother nature from the angle of the four kingdoms. 

Byrce Canon National Park

We learn about the laws that govern each kingdom. Incessant life and death is common to all kingdoms.

When we are human this knowledge allows us to understand and connect to the creatures in the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms. 

The main focus of life in each essence in evolution is preparation for the human kingdom. The guru divas guide, educate and prepare the essences in their evolution.

In evolution the essence prepares and works to live well as a human being and in involution the essence suffers dissolving all the mistakes of human life and learns what was not learnt well in evolution and in human life. 

In each kingdom the secrets of the elements are unveiled and the Earth's more inner processes are learnt through the very life of a mineral, plant and animal. 

For example the life of any mineral is reveals the secrets of Alchemy within the Earth. Each crystal starts off as substances totally different in appearance and character yet though the secret Alchemical processes of the Earth these substances are transmuted into shinning, sparkling transparent crystals and precious stones. 

End (4899).

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