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Wednesday 4 October 2023

Now is the Octave of Individual Responsibility - (4892)

In times gone bye there were the temples and the masters. All a sincere seeker of the light had to do was to dedicate him or herself to gaining entrance into the temple...

Once admitted into the temple, all was taken care of. One had to dedicate him or herself to the teachings, practices and order of the temple, and results would follow. 

Now days in the octave in which we find ourselves in, there are few temples and few masters. There are masters yes but they are not like those of times gone by with the powers, knowledge and faculties.

Now days there are no physical temples of the mysteries whose didactic of teaching and practice takes care of your aspirations to the light. 

We are all left to ourselves... 

The responsibility of us applying the teachings and practicing them is up to us.

Now days success is granted based on finding the teachings and applying them with dedication to quality. The more serious we are in demanding application and quality from ourselves the further we travel.

Whereas before, success was granted by being admitted and degree of submission to the order, teaching and practices of the temple.

Different times we live in, all has to be for a reason. 

End (4892).

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