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Monday 16 October 2023

The Dance of Change from One Life to the Next - (4900)

How we change from one life to the next and how we also stay the same, is the theme of this post.

From one life to the next we change sex, from one life to the next we change nationality and hemispheres. From one life to the next we change colour, and from one life to the next we change social status from upper to middle, from nobility to peasant and from poverty to upper.  

It all depends on the karma we have and accumulate and the lessons that our essence must learn and the lessons that our Inner Being wishes to learn and teach his essence.

Each life has a secret, a secret reason or factor by which we are alive Master Samael teaches us. This secret always guides the course of our life. If only we could know it, could we then deeply understand our life.

We change from adulterous to chaste from life to the next and from cruel and forceful to kind and over complaint in the next. Because in one life we provoke the law of the Pendulum and we abuse what we were given and had and so in the next we have to experience the opposite to know the balance and pay for the abuses. 

In the dance of change from life to the next we see the cosmic laws governing us, the Law of the Pendulum, the Law of Return, the Law of Recurrence and above all the Law of Balance or Karma.

Then at times appears the Law of Destiny where the Inner Being in us pulls us up, raises It's bodhisattva from the mud into It's light... So then the lives of an initiate unfold for many reasons some of those reasons to serve to humanity and some for the soul and some for reserved for only the Inner Being to know.

Sometimes we move from poor health in one life to good health in the next or a few lives later on.

From being intellectually handicapped to be intellectually capable in the next. Many times to lose what is normal and regain it later so as to in truth appreciate it.

From a womanizer to a celibate monk. From the fields as a farmer to a writer in a stately office and manner. From a warrior to a coward. 

Once the essence tastes the light of the mysteries it always searches in one way or another for the light that it lost if it was lost.

The soul always seeks It's spirit and the Spirit always seeks It's Divine Logos.

What always stays the same is the essence and its timeless qualities... 

Knowing your essence I will always recognise you, no matter how far away in time and space you may be.

A personality to personality relationship is one that withers and does not stand the test of time, even many times within a single lifetime.

End (4900).

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