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Tuesday 31 October 2023

Understand Our Life: Two Sides of Pride - (4922)

At some point we crossed the line, that is went a bit too far with our pride. Imposing our authority or will or force. We did it again and again in so many different ways accruing karmic debt as went along. Life after life we repeated the same pattern...

Then one day either because our karmic debt has become so great or because our Inner Being wishes for a change or we are working on or for the initiatic path, the pendulum swings to the other side…

Then we go to the other side where we are no longer crossing the line humiliating others, and it is us that is getting humiliated and we very often find ourselves in the lower position.

If this change were not to happen, we would never be able to pay our karmic debts due to pride and we would never be able to dissolve our pride.  

We understand that walking the path means to lighten progressively our karmic debt and dissolve our egos, especially our pride which is so strong.

In the case mentioned where the Divine Law intervenes, the Divine Law sees that there is not so many lives left and so an interval of change is needed to pay the karmic debt and hopefully produce some corrections to not accrue so much future karmic debt - thus the Divine Law helps us.

End (4922).

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