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Thursday 23 November 2023

Alchemy is a Universal Principle - (4943)

The interesting point below arose during a recently held retreat.

Alchemy is a universal principle that should be taught to all, even those who may not have the possibility of putting it into practice.

We often feel a bit reluctant to upset students who are elderly and single for example, with the teaching of the Alchemy, as we think that it may really upset them because it is so important and they are not in an immediate position to apply it.

As was mentioned in the retreat it is correct to teach the Alchemy no matter what, as one, we never know - a person's life circumstances can change very quickly, and secondly, it is a universal teaching that is for the consciousness, and if received by the consciousness, it will stay in the consciousness and from there become active when it can be applied, or either it will seek the conditions needed for it to be applied in the next life.

In short, it is a teaching to be assimilated by the consciousness and the consciousness is outside of time, space and life circumstances...

End (4943).

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