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Friday 3 November 2023

Class Notes: The Path - (4932)


This post is a collection of notes taken from an online class (m.m.m, Friday, 3/11/2023).


The path is inside of ourselves.

The path is you. The path is you fighting with your sleeping consciousness and awakening it.

Even if you are told that you can not do the path there is so much inside of ourselves to do. Doing all of those things we will do the path...

The path is in some ways a concept - what is real is the states of consciousness that need to be refined and elevated more and more towards the Inner Being.

The path is you, the path is your Being, the path is you working for and towards your Monad.  

Bring your Being to your daily life.

"Make this moment spirit!". 

The path is our life. The path is our life lived in the Being. Our life lived wisely. 

The path has highs and lows, humiliations and exaltations...

We relate to ourselves correctly by being the soul that we are. 

The path organises your work and progress towards the light of your Inner Being.

The goal of the path is always to dissolve the inferior and unite with the fluorescence of the superior.

Don't run along the path as we can stagnate...

We need to knock at the door of each stage of the path, so that that door is opened for us.

The path starts by meeting our Being. The Guardian of the Threshold is actually a part of the Being, it is the first step in seeing and accepting our reality. 

The goal of the path is to unite us - the essence, with our ultimate reality.

The path is our life undivided, uncompartmentalized.

Walk the path with strength and joy and tread firmly so that others can see the path.

The path is shown physically through the initiates.

When we arrive at the path we later say to ourselves: "What does my path matter if others can not get it as well!".

The path watches keenly over those who walk it. Protecting and preventing those who are on it from making unnecessary errors.

End (4932).

1 comment:

  1. That is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
