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Monday 6 November 2023

Love through the Three Minds - (4935)

Here is a post about how love works through the three minds. Basically through the inner mind we can love.

Through the inner mind we can truly love. This is because through the inner mind we can make contact with the true living principle of love that comes from our consciousness.

Remember that the inner mind is the only mind that has contact with the consciousness.

Having contact with the consciousness through the inner mind we can know how to love.

The sensorial mind on the other hand has no contact with the living principles of the consciousness and because of that, it only can focus on what comes through the senses. 

All that we can gain from focusing on the senses is interpreting the impressions that are received through the senses.

The sensorial mind can only thinks about or interprets the impressions that are received

Receiving is the main focus when it comes to the sensorial mind. We may say this is not true, because we also give. Yes we do, however, so often, when the sensual mind gives, it gives so as to receive something back in return. To not receive anything in return equates to an insult for the sensorial mind.

Further more the sensorial mind contains many sensory based concepts about what love is. The sensorial mind works with these concepts, that is, it uses them to classify, label, judge, compare, analyse the impressions it receives from the events before it. 

Trying to love from the sensorial mind equates to too much suffering...

For there to be the 'positive' feelings of love as felt from sensorial mind, there has to be a continuous flow of impressions that match the concepts contained in the sensorial mind. Love through the sensorial mind can not exist without the positive determination of the machinery of the sensorial mind.

The intermediate mind believes about love. Love should be this and that way, if you love me, you do something this and that way or you do this and that...

"You don't love me" is the common belief coming and going (coming more often then going) in the intermediate mind, yet there are so many signs that this is not fully true. The beliefs of the intermediate mind keep us trapped all the time. Only the inner mind is free of beliefs, and it knows directly in seconds what is going on, what is true and what is false...

Inner mind is independent it just gives and lives out its principles, and it seeks to love what is, just as we in reality find things. It is about changing something to then be able to love...

The couple itself as a unit, loves when there is an exchange of love that is given and accepted. 

However a loving individual, that is one who loves through the inner mind is capable to love when love is not returned...

End (4935).

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