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Tuesday 7 November 2023

Notes on Working on Inner Judgment to Help Ourselves in Mystical Death - (4936)


This post presents some points to work with when working on the mental habit of judging.

Working on this habit helps extraordinarily in our work of mystical death.

In life, we must judge, we have to come to our conclusions and statements about things, however there is the way of 'not judging' as an aid to accelerate our mystical death and awakening and this is what this post is all about.

Ultimately in life we can change judging for discernment... 


We feel strong when we judge yet later we find that we are actually weak...

Always scared of those who judge as what we judge harshly we later fall into in the same way of things.

Every judgment we make is a real opportunity of self-discovery.

Judge others more often to know ourselves…

Stop judging others if we don't turn that around and examine ourselves, because we will make our own life and the lives of others bitter.

Create the firm habit of after judging others to do what we critise them for not doing. If we do We will advance quicker. For example, I see want to judge someone as sceptical, selfish and materialistic because they never pray, say nothing and then go and pray straight away.

Do not judge so as not to suffer. As soon as we judge we fall into good and evil. We will always then see evil as something wrong and we unavoidably suffer.

Anger uses judgment. Pride also uses judgment - mostly to attack and humiliate.

A person who judges is certainly not a relaxed and open person. Also not an 'easy-going' person.

A person who judges has a very active mind. Also a great tendency to fight with others in their mind. To spend vast amounts of time working through arguments and coming up with arguments to defeat others. So to put others in their place. An expert in building a defense case and also an expert in interrogation and prosecution.

In reality everyone judges, so to expect no one to judge is not to be in touch with reality. To expect Gnostics to not judge is not a reality. To expect that is to be outside of reality.

The reality is we have to use judgement to learn.

Self-judgement is the remedy!

Our judgments have tremendous force they can make us physically sick! 

We need to judge! Why do we need it is the question? It can relieve our pride. It can defend ourselves. It can get us what we want!

It defends our inner system. It can justify ourselves make us exempt of blame by judging others. 

Judging others does not make us not guilty.

Not judging is a sign of a considerable maturity of the essence.

We feel superior when we judge - supports our psychological structure. It does not undo it! But judging ourselves in the light of the work does.

We use it to get control and maintain control.

We judge others a lot when we don't trust.

Judging is a real value, it is discernment, the judges of he Law judge so it is a real force! It is not a mistake it is a real power just wisdom, love life and like death are in the universe. It is just how we use it. But we use it putting it at the service of the ego and to support our egoical structure. If it is used for the consciousness it is very powerful.

It is so powerful that it precedes justice and nothing can stop justice!

The next step to judging is condemnation or sentencing.

Master Samael says that we have to try our egos in a tribunal. That is judge our own egos and not the egos of others.

Judging is subconscious, it is an expression of the subconscious.

The subconscious is the opposite of ourselves. It is everything we are not. When we judge we are that. We think we are not that when we judge. We can only know a defect to pass commentary or judgement on it.

Subconscious is due to the conditioning of duality. It is the unknown which is the opposite of ourselves.

Judging is there to determine if an error was made and how grave the error is.

We judge because of imbalance. 

We judge others and ourselves because we are out of balance otherwise there would be no need or tendency to judge others.

It is so interesting judge the initiates and the masters. Our make out that they will be delated in their progress or that they will stagnate or even fail. However, they don't. Meaning our judgments were not correct. The Divine Law and the Divinity did and does not agree with them. 

It is our essence before the Divine Law that is judged not our egos.

If we really want to get into proper judging then we have to know the correct parameters. One is to know others from the inside to be able to understand them fully. For that we need to have the same impressions, personality, etc.

There are some other parameters as well.. Which I will mention soon...

End (4936).

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