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Sunday 24 December 2023

Justice of the Intimate Christ - (4976)

The Intimate Christ brings justice within us and to our Father within.

I have asked myself many times how can He bring justice when He allows others to trample Him?

How can we bring justice when the Christic force "turns the other cheek", faces with pleasure the unpleasant manifestations of our fellow man and is persecuted and hit for doing good to others?

He may not do justice among men but certainly within a person and for the Father that dwells within in secret, He certainly does.

By facing the unpleasant manifestations of our fellowmen with pleasure He honours and glorifies the Father within. He causes the karmic debts to be washed away and builds ever stronger the values and virtues of the Father within us, so that these values and virtues are made so firm that they triumph over all external and inner adversity - thus bringing justice to the Father.

The justice of the Intimate Christ is internal and it is by the very nature of Its work that It brings justice to the Father.

End (4976).

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