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Friday 5 January 2024

Arcanum 4 Notes - (4990)

Points to Understand Arcanum Four

Arcanum number 4 is Atman, Chesed, the spirit, or the Intimate in us. 

Atman in us - the spirit in us, is the synthesis of consciousness and will. It is the magical part in us that combines consciousness and will that walks so to speak, using consciousness and will as its two legs. 

Master Samael says that Atman is a warrior is from Mars. Atman is triumpher. If He wants His realisation, it is a certainty that He will get it.

This Arcanum represents the masculine qualities of nature. Like Arcanum 1 - The Magician but in a different way.

The word Emperor indicates an authority, a ruler and intermediary between the Earth and the Heavens. In the case of the human being, the Emperor is the intermediary between Kether and the essence. 

Arcanum 4 is a replicated instance of Arcanum 1 in a different scale of creation. It calls forth the unity  in the Holy Four, as Arcanum 1 does in the Holy Unity. It brings a harmony and brings the parts to complete a cycle.

Number 4

This is a number that so frequently appears in the teachings. If we look at the places where the number four appears, we see a pattern. That pattern is one where the number covers, makes complete, constitutes all. 

Indeed the number four Master Samael says is the Holy TETRAGRAMMATON. The Absolute plus the Three Primary forces. Which is the fully unity. The Being is the Three Primary forces and the Absolute make up a complete unit. 

Number 3 is a creative number, a number which is to produce the result. Number four is a number which expands the creation, to cover all the process, bringing it to a completion. For example the four seasons, the four phases of the moon, the four colours of alchemy, the four states of consciousness.  

1+2+3+4 = 10 which reduces to 1 which is the Monad. So the Monad, Arcanum 1 is present in Arcanum 4.

Arcanum Four is very much a card of solution and coverage. It presents the parts needed to make something whole. 

It is the number of including and making whole. For me the essence of Arcanum number 4 is to make whole, including bringing the diverse parts into a unity - it is the work of Arcanum 1 realised in creation, where there are indeed diverse parts needing to be united.

The centre of gravity of Kether is Chesed. So Chesed or Atman does the work of Kether, here in creation. As m.m.m says "Atman is the man that works". 

We must all cause our consciousness to awaken through the four states and cause our waters to refine through the four colours of the Alchemy, we must develop the four qualities of the sphinx and so on.


Master Samael does a wonderful job of explaining the symbolism in Arcanum 4. 

What stands out the most for you? That could be something to pay close attention to. What stood stands out  mostly for me is the four pointed hat and the cat in the cubical stone. 

Master Samael says that the hat represents the alembic still, which has four parts to it. 

Master Samael says something enigmatic which is "The four concordances exist in Arcanum number 4. These are: Affirmation, Negation, Discussion and Seduction."

These are really the four ways that we can agree with something. 

What to Expect

From experience, the nature, influence and the overriding quality of the forces present in Arcanum 4 are those of gain, forward movement, clear sight, success, solution and a degree of completion. All in all it is a favourable card.

It would mean that there will be a number of positive avenues to walk through and use towards the benefit of one's aims. There still could be difficulties, but with more ways to overcome them. 


"Give blessings unto the labour of thy hands, and place thy heart into thy thoughts."

This axiom reminds us of using all three brains, that is all five centres. Things are only realised or, made real or completed when we put all three brains to work. Things become balanced, when we bring the work of the three brains to fruition. 

End (4990).

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