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Saturday 20 January 2024

Live like an Animal, Suffer and Die Like One - (5009)

Following on from the previous post, I believe one of the lessons learnt from the animal kingdom, to be transferred to the human, so as to live wiser as a human is this: "live like an animal, then suffer and die like one".

To live as an animal is to live for the satisfactoin of the instincts. To live to survive, to live for pleasure, to live to satisfy all the appitities of the instinctive centre, whether they be related to: food and drink, sex, sleep, thrill, violence, comfort, security, distraction, the list goes on.

We see the animals suffering in so many ways, even the strongest and most powerful of animals suffer as part of the nature of their life. They all die sadly alone - either violently or due to starvatoin or injury. Their daily life is one of intense effort to just remain alive - the fight for survival.

So if we as human beings live just to satisfy our instincts then we too will suffer alone in our life as they do. That quest to satisfy our instincts will cause us suffering and draw us apart from others which will also cause us suffering.

End (5009).

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