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Wednesday 10 January 2024

Lose Fascination Win Back Power - (4996)

Fascination or giving something an exaggerated importance is to lose our power.

When we lose our power we lose control over ourselves.

We get fascinated because within our psyche we have made what we get fascinated with, to be something greater than ourselves. Something that we can't stand or resist or possibly overcome or be normal about.

To bring all things back to the real order of priority - the number one most important thing to ourselves and to everybody else, is the Inner Being.

When we get fascinated energy flows out of our psyche and into the ego or mental representation directly related to the fascination.

To not get identified we need to work on the fascination first. When the fascination is less we can then start to identify less and less. 

Identification concerns identifying with the ego that is related to the fascination. However, fascination makes our consciousness so quickly identify with the ego related to the fascination.

When we get fascinated we sign over precious values of ourselves. We sign over three things: one is attention, the second is psychological space and the third is the connection to our three brains. 

To work on fascination precisely means to sign over less and less of the above three precious values.

To give what we get fascinated with less attention, less time and less psychological space reduces the connection to the three brains.

When the connection to the three brains begins to weaken we start to regain control over ourselves.

End (4996).

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