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Tuesday 16 January 2024

Mystical Death and the Three Demons: Class Notes - (5008)

When the work is part of our nature we stop doing the work. We are the work.

The goal is to make our work our life.

The path can be made to be instinctive in us. Then we are becoming the work. 

The human nature that we have has to be sublimated and surrenered to the Divine Being within us.

Life in the three demons is the wrong life. We must at some point see this. The three demons are desire, mind and ill-will.

Nothing changes abut us through time. Only the personality, our body and culture. However after the first mountain things change and we do defintely become a different person to the one that carried over from life to life.

Life is really a continuity of ourselves, however after the third mountain this continuity modifies.

To die in ourselves we must take into account the following points:

1.) Identity

2.) Point of Reference

3.) Contrast (between thinking doing and being, contrast between intention and actions) 

4.) Trust in the work.

Contrast is a permanent and constant self-evaluation.

Self-remembering is also remembering the past, present and future where we remember the last time that we did the same thing that we are doing now and we evaluate...

A dead person does not die again. 

We need total separation. We need along the way to dissolve resistance. With total separation we can resistance for what it truly is.

We must do our practices being awakened to death and to not know the ego will bring the fire of the demon outwards which we may regret.

We work in time and space. Everytime we miss an opportunity to do the work we miss an opportunity to die within ourselves.


When we don;t trust our egos, our mind we are getting to be awakened. The person in life trusts their pride, their mind, their opinions very deeply. 

Trust is go beyond all obstacles and impediments. To give our life for something is the maximum sign of trust. 

In the work on ourselves we are meant to trust in the Being as much as those people who trusted their cause and themselves and died for their cause.

The highest type of trust we can have in life is physical death, as our life is the most valuable thing we have in life.

In the spiritual work the highest value of trust is mystical death as it is total trust in our Divine Inner Being.

Integratioin is one of the supreme powers of the fourth state of consciousness.

The centres are integratesd in the physical body in our centres.

When the ego reaches the causal we have total trust in it. This is something to not allow to happen within us.

The key to manifest our consciousness physically is through the senses and the centres.

The consciousness also manifests in teh psychological, esoteric and ontological in different ways and through different elements.

Die mystically through the bodies. Don't die intellectually, have love and conviction, consciousness and fire to die.

Action is needed, action is will, emotion and action - motor centre.

The highest expression of trust is action not words.  Trust is action. 

We have to change the centre of gravity of our life. 

To die is what we nees to die in not want we want to die in.

End (5008).

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